The weather was beautiful and there were myriad yard salers out there availing themselves of it. We struck up a number of conversations while perusing people's wares, and also came across some...interesting finds worth mentioning.
1. Ten pounds of copper tubing priced at $25. The value of the metal as scrap: $24. I'm not mathematician, but I'm thinking lowering the price a few bucks would save this seller a trip to the recycle plant.
2. Crummy X-Box 360 games for $3. Man that's cheap for X-Box games...but the games are lame. I was thinking gifts, pleading ignorance as to the low quality of the gameplay, but opted to pass.
3. Huge box of VHS tapes selling for $1 each right next to the neighbor's even larger box of tapes selling three for $1. Hmmmm....decisions, decisions. I'm gonna have to go with option b on this one.
4. Tons of bake sales. Nothing like having fresh baked goods at yard sales. They're cheap, delicious, and provide ample fuel to keep pushing for "just a couple more" sales. Keep 'em comin'.
All in all, a fun day yard sale-ing out there. Plenty to choose from as the last of the "spring cleaning" sellers realized they have to strike while the iron is still hot. We may only have another month before it's time for jackets, and that always means fewer yard salers out there.
It won't stop us, but hey, I have to have something to write about...
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