Sunday, March 14, 2010

Roanoke Roller Derby affordable fun

It's official: I'm into roller derby. Okay, so today's match between Star City Rollers and the Bruisin' Burgs at the Lee-Hi Skate Center is only my third, but each time has proved tons of fun.
You're probably like me: all you remember of roller derby is a bunch of girls you wouldn't take home to Mom in the '70s going around a banked ring throwing elbows. Well, the difference is, now the rink isn't banked anymore, but the rest is still pretty accurate.

I'd sure derby has enjoyed a slight upsurge because of the recent film Whip it, which is about a young girl out-of-place in the pageant circuit who discovers roller derby (played by Ellen Page of Juno).

What I enjoy other than the action, which is fast-paced and constant, is that the venues keep things pretty economical and fun. You can sit pretty much anywhere. The concession is very reasonably priced (no $6 hamburgers here), and even the fanboy swag is affordable. It's as if - in remaining small - they haven't forgotten what entertaining fans is about in favor of profits.

So if you haven't been to a roller derby since Carter was president, hop on over to Lee-Hi Skate Center tonight (or some other night) and have a blast watching girls named "Kitten Vicious" and "Duchess Von Bruisin". Just be aware that you'll be dreaming up cool names that night, at least I do.

Punchy Bruister...
Britney Fears...


  1. I've never been to a live roller derby event...sounds interesting. I always think of that movie Raquel Welsh was in whenever someone metions roller derby.

  2. Duchess Von BruisinApril 6, 2010 at 2:28 PM

    Awe, we are so glad to have the support!! I have to say, I have never had more fun than when I am on the rink with my girls battling it out. I have found the team sport I have been looking for my whole life!! Thank you for coming out and supporting us, I am glad you enjoy it. I have taken a hiatus for a move up north...however will be back in the Star City soon and back on skates. I just couldn't stay away. Come on by and say "hi" to the girls after a bout. They eat up photo opportunities and fans (literally, they bite, be careful!)
