And then, once it started, it didn’t stop ‘til my wife and I were snowed in for the weekend. We didn’t make the typical, frantic, last-minute grocery store trip for supplies to last all winter, but figured some soup and bread from the neighborhood co-op would suffice.
Sure, we had made all sorts of weekend plans that had to be broken. A brunch, dirty Santa party, and coffee with a friend will have to wait ‘til later. However, being stuck at home certainly has a silver lining. I can catch up my blogs, for one, and spend lots of time getting into the Christmas spirit watching holiday flicks with my family. Hopefully everyone else in the Valley is so fortunate.
Besides, on our midday walk with Trisha and Maddy we saw the difficulty some were having trying to get buried cars back on the road. Still there at 1pm. Still there at 130pm. I’m sure they have somewhere to be, like the other sporadic cars we saw cruising in the court, but I’d just as soon forgo errands and familial and friendly visitations for at least one weekend. We can always get right back to our busy lives once the snow has melted.